Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Be Bold! The World Needs You.

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7 NIV

Our world is a difficult one. Often enough its scary, tense, and heart breaking. Most of our world lives in physical poverty while the rest lives in spiritual poverty. We lose loved ones to illness, violence, accidents, etc. Some of our communities are torn apart by drugs. Our brothers and sisters across the oceans live with famines, epidemics, and war. Its enough to discourage even the strongest of faith.

Thankfully, The Salvation Army marches out to meet these problems not on its own strength and boldness but on that of Jesus Christ. His apostle Paul writing to Timothy wrote the verse we see above. The Spirit of God does not make us timid and scared, but it gives us the power to be bold, to love, and to be self-disciplined. That's the kind of people our world needs to make a difference.

Be bold my friends! Not on your own strength but on that of Jesus. Our world needs you to make a difference today. Check out www.salvationarmy.org to find out more about what The Salvation Army is doing around the globe and how you can help.

God Bless You,

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Promise of a Future

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11-13 NIV

These beautiful words of scripture speak to a promise of hope that many in our world can't even begin to imagine. We meet many people who feel that they are at the lowest point in their lives. So many people in despair and without hope. We meet children and teens that can't imagine a future beyond teen pregnancy and living in the same generational poverty of their parents. We meet men and women enslaved to their addictions and feel there is no way to break free. We at The Salvation Army meet many people at their most vulnerable states and we want to be agents of hope. Yes, we may provide an avenue for rehabilitation, food for an empty stomach, or a place to shelter life's storms but these physical measures do not heal the wounds of despair and hopelessness.

It is our privilege to declare the word of the Lord in that He has a plan for everyone. He desires to give hope and a future. He offers an ear to listen to our worries, fears, and doubts. He offers his presence to comfort our spirits in times of trouble. All these wonderful gifts flow from a simple act of faith in God.

Our founder, William Booth knew the most effective way to minister to those in need was to address the physical needs as well as the spiritual. Today, we strive to meet those needs in Waynesboro with the understanding that it is God alone who offers the healing salve to restore our souls to hope. Faith in God through His son Jesus offers us unimaginable spiritual riches and the certainty of a future spent with Him.

The world needs hope. It needs it today. There are men, women, and children in Waynesboro who need hope. Will you be an Agent of Hope? The Salvation Army will through the grace of God. Join us in this mission to meet the needs of the suffering while always pointing back to the One who offers an eternal hope and future.

God Bless You,

Thursday, February 23, 2012

"Poverty Shouldn't Have To Be A Life Sentence"

A new census report shows that 1 out of 4 young children (age 6 and below) live in poverty. That's not a statistic from the Third World. Its a fact from within the borders of our proud homeland, the United States of America. Its hard to believe that it could be true in the land of plenty but I'm afraid it is. The recession has taken its toll on our people. High unemployment of parents is the main contributor. The report goes on to say that these children are at risk for educational deficiencies, health issues, and malnutrition. Often times the media portrays these children as Appalachians kids or inner-city children but the truth of the matter is these 25% are in Waynesboro too.

We all have an opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child. At The Salvation Army, we offer youth character building programs that promote healthy life skills with a Christian focus. We work with families to maintain housing, utilities, ensure food and medicine are available, as well as clothing. Our Christmas efforts help provide a "Merry Christmas" to over 800 children in need in Waynesboro & Eastern Augusta County every year. We partner with Target Stores for back to school shopping sprees as well as distribute 100 book bags with school supplies to families in need. Every summer 25 at risk children from our community attend our beautiful Camp Happyland at no cost. Children are at the heart of the mission of The Salvation Army and we need your constant support to make a difference.

Do you want to help? Volunteer.Contribute.Pray.

Learn more here: http://www.youthdownsouth.net/

God Bless You,

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Doing the Most Good

Perhaps you have seen or heard The Salvation Army's motto of sorts "Doing the Most Good". At first glance it could seem like a statement of arrogance or pride, but we assure you that is not the case. It is a promise to those we serve. It is a reassurance to those who support us. It is a commitment between God and The Salvation Army. Evangeline Booth, daughter of the Founder, coined this phrase when she said "There is no reward equal to that of doing the most good to the most people in the most need."

That is the commitment of The Salvation Army to do the most good wherever we can. Its rarely easy or convenient to make good on this promise, but we knew it wouldn't be when we made it. The Salvation Army makes this promise, this commitment, to honor Jesus with our hearts and minds.

In the story of the "Good Samaritan" found in the book of Luke a smart man who knew the scriptures asked Jesus "What must I do to inherit eternal life?". Jesus asked the man to answer his own question with how he understood the scriptures to address that question. The man replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and all your mind, and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' " Jesus affirmed this answer by saying "You have answered correctly" and "Do this and you will live." (Luke 10:25-28)

Loving God with all your might and truly treating others as you would want to be treated is often a tall order. It takes commitment and love. The Salvation Army's commitment to upholding the promise to do the most good extends from Jesus' affirmation to love God with everything we have and to treat our neighbors with love and respect. Our neighbors today are every man, woman, and child suffering in need in our community. It is for those neighbors and Jesus that The Salvation Army promises to do the most good.

We covet your prayers and support while we are "Doing the Most Good" and we challenge you to make that promise in your own life to do the most good with your time, talents, and resources for the glory of God.

God Bless You.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Here We Go!

"Everyone's doing it!" is probably not a good excuse in most cases. Blogging has become an important source of information and outreach in the 21st century. We want to join in so that you can know all about what's going on at The Salvation Army in Waynesboro, VA.

I am Lt. John Blevins, Jr (JB) and I will be the maintainer and poster for this blog. Feel free to e-mail me anytime for more information on what The Salvation Army is doing. Also, feel free to stop by our facebook and homepage sites (click the links on the right).

Thank you for supporting us and we hope you enjoy our blog.